How Access to Clean Cooking Empowers Women

2024-04-13 15:41

Each year, International Women’s Day provides an opportunity to recognize the remarkable achievements of girls and women. It’s also a time to highlight the ongoing challenges they face.

One often overlooked issue that continues to limit the ability of millions of women to thrive is lack of access to affordable, clean energy for cooking.

Since 2010, more than 1.5 billion people have gained access to clean and modern cooking fuels around the world including biofuels and electricity among others. Yet today, at a time of growing economic disparity, more than one in every three women have no choice but to cook over smoky, toxic fires fueled by wood, charcoal, and kerosene to prepare meals for themselves and their families.

This reflects that we still need to design and make more suitable clean cook stoves to help those women and children, who are suffering air pollution in Africa and Southeast Asia.

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