2023-11-16 09:33

The Sustainable Development Goals, adopted in 2015 by 193 nations, mark a major step towards addressing poverty, inequality, and climate change over the next 15 years. As the world works towards implementing these goals and addressing climate change, it is particularly important that we invest in scalable solutions at the household level that address root challenges and deliver cross-cutting, economically inclusive impacts.

By developing a thriving global market for clean and efficient cookstoves and fuels, we can transform the way the world cooks, saving lives, improving livelihoods, empowering women, and protecting the environment simultaneously. With a continued focus and targeted implementation efforts, clean cooking can directly deliver gains across 10 of the SDGs and contribute to an enabling environment for achieving the entire Agenda 2030.

It is imperative that efforts to expand and improve access to clean cooking are comprehensive and expeditious. To tackle energy poverty, reach the Sustainable Development Goals, and advance the aims of the Paris Agreement, it is necessary to scale clean cooking.

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