Climate change has caused global temperatures to rise by 1.5℃, largely due to the increased emission of carbon dioxide (CO2) from burning fossil fuels like gasoline, LPG, and natural gas. While CO2 is a key greenhouse gas, black smoke is 2,400 times more harmful to the climate by weight. SSM has developed innovative stoves(such as the Jet-Flame, we have made the actual test in our lab) that significantly reduce black smoke emissions, making them a powerful tool in combating climate change. Remarkably, the stoves emit white smoke, which has a cooling effect on the atmosphere and is 150 times less impactful than CO2 in terms of greenhouse effects.
These groundbreaking technologies not only reduce air pollution but also provide a sustainable and cleaner energy solution for communities, particularly in developing countries. For rural areas where traditional cooking methods prevail, SSM’s stoves offer a path to improved living conditions while mitigating the adverse effects of climate change. By addressing both health and environmental challenges, SSM is paving the way for a more sustainable and equitable future.