What are the different kinds of cookstoves?

2024-11-30 10:38

Cookstove projects are divided into two main activities: replacing existing cooking apparatus with either stoves that use fuel more efficiently or stoves that use a different type of fuel entirely. Emission reductions are achieved by reducing pressure on forests or reducing fossil fuel use. The stoves are replaced in both households and institutions, like schools. With either project approach, the project’s potential for impact is fully dependent on implementation.

Improved efficient cookstoves

These stoves have improved combustion efficiency, which means that the stove makes better use of the heat the fuel generates. The stoves still use firewood or charcoal, but they use much less if used correctly. In short, users can cook the same amount of food using less fuel.

Fuel-switching cookstoves

These stoves use a completely different type of fuel. Common fuels include bioethanol, biomass pellets, solar cooking, Liquified Petroleum Gas (LPG), domestic biogas, or electricity. Emission reductions are achieved by reducing the use of firewood or charcoal. When calculating carbon credits for these stoves, any emissions caused by the production of the new fuel need to also be taken into account.

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