Carbon negative or Climate positive: doing more for the planet

2024-09-28 13:37

Carbon Negative and climate positive are two similar terms. It occurs when a company removes or capture more CO2 from the atmosphere than it even emits. Then, the company has a negative amount of carbon emissions and positively impacts the climate.

So let’s go deeper: to become climate positive, a company needs to understand exactly what its carbon footprint is. For example, if the North Face wants to launch a carbon-positive beanie, they would need to calculate the product's total carbon footprint: from the energy required to produce and distribute a product, to the emissions associated with sourcing and production, and end-to-life products. The company would need also to tackle additional measures to capture more carbon.

To do so, there is only one way: calculate the scopes 1, 2 and 3 of carbon emissions. And you are in luck because Plan A Sustainability Platform calculates all three scopes emissions scopes, enabling companies to reduce significantly their emissions.

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